How Budgets are tracked in Bid Analytics

This article references how the Professional Tier of Bid Analytics dashboards tracks budgets and also provides details about the data within each dashboard.

RhinoDox can track how many budgets, biddable proposals, and the number of Rebids across a single project. We do this in the RhinoDox proposal builder for easy tracking. You can read more about that here.

Dashboard Background Filter

On the Weekly Estimating Dashboard and the Company Overview Dashboard (formerly the Monthly/Quarterly Dashboard, renamed on 03/14/2024) there is a background filter to only show jobs with a Proposal Type of 'Proposal'.

By design this is meant to separate projects that are out for bid, and budgets that may or may not become a biddable project one day. This also is meant to give a more accurate picture for forecasting.

Weekly Estimating Dashboard

The change in reporting is reflected only in the filter mentioned above.  If you click the 'Budgets' tab, it shows a total count of budgets and the total dollar value of jobs with the proposal type of Budget.

Company Overview Dashboard

As mentioned before, this dashboard is meant to give you a high level overview of what's going on in your company.

Like the Weekly Estimating Dashboard, the Company Overview dashboard is only showing Projects where the Current Revision's Proposal Type is 'Proposal' BUT with a few caveats where Budgets are taken into consideration.

Win/Loss - Budgets are Included in these counts AND in the hit ratio because jobs can be awarded from a budget OR you can lose a future opportunity in a budgeting round. Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 10-30-33 AM-png

Details of Project Counts and Amounts

We have added more detail to this dashboard.  Let's take a deeper dive into a few of these widgets.  Note the green highlighted numbers on the image below for explanation:

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 10.34.15 AM-1

  1. Projects in Pipeline - This is the Total number of Projects in your Pipeline.  This includes Budgets AND Proposals. It also includes all of the statuses in the second row (Open, Bidding, Rebidding, etc).
  2. Projects with Proposals - These are projects where the Proposal Type of the current revision is 'Proposal' no matter what the status is. It indicates a proposal has been generated and the estimator marked it as a proposal.
  3. Projects with Budgets - Like Projects with Proposals, these are simply a count of your Projects where the current revision has been marked 'Budget'

Why don't these numbers add up?  

  • In the example above there are a total of 101 Projects
  • 77 proposals + 14 have budgets = 91 Projects
  • Where are the remaining 10 Projects?
  • 4. Open Status -  A project that has an 'Open' status would not have a proposal or budget generated and thus would not be a part of the counts of widget #2 or #3.
  • 5. Estimator Assigned - In most cases, a status of 'Estimator Assigned' means that the project has only been assigned to an estimator and not actually started.  However, in some cases, a project with this status might have had a proposal or budget created and has been reassigned to a different estimator.
  • Understanding a Project's Status will help if you want to get into more details on this page.  You can learn more about Project Status' here.

Takeaway - When looking at this section of the Company Overview Dashboard, you should understand that Projects with Proposals should represent everything you have on the street, Projects with Budgets are budgets you have submitted or are working on, and Projects in Pipeline represent ALL projects that are not won, abandoned, or lost

Budget Dashboard

If you have used the Budget Dashboard in the past, it is now out of Beta.  This dashboard now represents all of the budgets you have submitted.  It is the singular place to analyze your budgeting efforts for GCs.  It is modeled from the Company Overview and the widgets behave in the same way.  Like everything mentioned above it is ONLY displaying projects with proposal type of 'Budget'


Check out the video below to learn more about the three locations you can track budgets in RhinoDox: