RELEASE NOTES: 9/27/2022

New Features and Product Information


What is it?

Rebid allows estimating teams to manage their rebid process in RhinoDox. Rebidding a project will clone the latest version of the proposal and allow estimators to make any changes. When a project is being rebid, the status is set to Rebidding, allowing for a visual indication of where the project is in the bidding process.


How to use it.

When viewing a project with a completed proposal, a Rebid link appears next to the proposal version in the panel on the left of the project details page. Simply click the link and begin editing your proposal.


After rebidding your project, you will be able to access older versions of the bid via the project details page. On the left is a panel showing past versions of the proposal. These versions are read only and may not be edited or revised at this time.



Proposal GC Management

What is it?

Currently, once an estimator has started assembling the bid in the RhinoDox proposal builder, the GC list on the project is locked at what GCs were assigned to the project at the time the proposal was started.


How to use it.

We’ve made several changes to address this. First, on the project details page, if a GC is added to the project the user is asked if they want to add this GC to the in progress proposal as well. Clicking yes will update the proposal to include that GC. Additionally, on the proposal builder there is now a General Contractors tab. Here, estimators can add and remove general contractors to their bid. Any additions here will add the GC to the project as well. Removing a GC only removes them from the proposal, not the project.



What is it?

In some cases, an estimator may want to indicate on the bid any addendums to the drawings that are included in the estimate.


How to use it.

On the proposal builder, Project Overview tab, an input was added to capture Addendums.


Additional Drawing Issuances

What is it?

In some cases the current drawing issuance may not be complete and requires reference to past drawing issuances. In these instances, estimators may wish to include those past drawing issuances on their bid letter.


How to use it.

On the proposal builder, Project Overview tab, there is a section beneath Current Drawing Issuance for including additional drawing issuances. Estimators simply click the link to add an additional drawing issuance, then choose the correct issuance and date.


Project Priority

What is it?

To allow estimating teams to prioritize their work, and focus on the high priority projects, we’ve added a “Priority” feature.


How to use it.

On the project details page, next to the project name is a dropdown to specify the priority. Users have the option of Low, Medium or High.


By default all projects are created as Medium priority.


Project Priority continued


Priority displays on the Project Pipeline to the left of the project name, using a color coded indicator. Red indicates High priority, Blue indicates medium priority, Green indicates low priority. The Pipeline can be sorted by priority by clicking on the column header for the priority column. They will sort in the following order: High, Medium, Low


Feature Enhancements

Pipeline Changes

Additional Columns

We’ve added Estimate Amount and Priority to the pipeline list.



Users can now sort the pipeline by Priority, Project Name, Status, Assigned Estimator. We will add sorting for “due date” and “estimate amount” in a future release.



The filter UI has been improved to provide a simpler more intuitive user experience. Additional filtering capabilities will be available in future releases.


Performance Improvements

Additional improvements have been made to improve performance when a very large number of projects are displayed in the pipeline.







Project Details Page

Field Reorganization

As we’ve added additional fields, the Project Details page was becoming a bit unorganized. We’ve reorganized the inputs on this page to bring more important information to the top of the page such as bid due date and current estimate amount.



Proposal Builder

UI Improvements

Minor tweaks to the Proposal Builder UI to make better use of space on the page.


Global Navigation


The Trash navigation item was a holdover from a legacy product and should not have been visible. It has now been removed.



A Help navigation item was added to route users to the RhinoDox Support Portal.




Bug Fixes

  • When no Architects have been added to a company, the controls for adding and importing architects were being cut off the page.

●      When no General Contractors have been added to a company, the controls for adding and importing general contractors were being cut off the page.


  • On the project details page, when a user adds a general contractor to a project with an “in progress” proposal, the user is prompted “Do you want to add this general contractor to your in progress proposal?” When the user clicks yes, the proposal should be updated however in the last release an error was introduced where the user would receive an error message.