RELEASE NOTES: 5/25/2022

What's new from May?

Release Notes May 25, 2022

{release date}

New Features

Project Pipeline - Filter by General Contractor

What is it?

The project pipeline page now has a filter for general contractors. This filter works like all the existing filters. Selecting multiple general contractors will return projects that match any of the selected contractors. Adding the general contractor filter to an existing set of selected filters will further filter the results to include projects that match any of the selected general contractors. For example, if the status filter is selected with status “Bidding” and the general contractor filter is applied with GCs “Acme, Inc.” and “Alphabet Construction” any projects that are bidding with either selected general contractor will be returned.

How to use it.

On the project pipeline page, expand the filters section and select the General Contractor filter, then select the desired general contractors from the list. To remove a selected GC, click the ‘x’ next to that GC’s name. To remove the filter, click the ‘x’ in the top right corner of the filter tile.

Project Pipeline - Filter by Estimator

What is it?

The project pipeline page now has a filter for estimators. This filter works like all the existing filters. Selecting multiple estimators will return projects that match any of the selected estimators. The estimator list is simply the list of users in the account.

How to use it.

On the project pipeline page, expand the filters section and select the Estimators filter, then select the desired Estimators from the list. To remove a selected Estimator, click the ‘x’ next to that Estimator’s name. To remove the filter, click the ‘x’ in the top right corner of the filter tile.

Project Pipeline - Filter by Priority

What is it?

The project pipeline page now has a filter for project priorities. This filter works like all the existing filters. Selecting priorities will return projects that match any of the selected values.

How to use it.

On the project pipeline page, expand the filters section and select the Priority filter, then select the desired priorities from the list. To remove a selected filter value, click the ‘x’ next to that value’s name. To remove the filter entirely, click the ‘x’ in the top right corner of the filter tile.

Project Pipeline - Filter by Line of Business

What is it?

The project pipeline page now has a filter for Lines of Business. This filter works like all the existing filters. Selecting multiple LOBs will return projects that match any of the selected LOBs.

How to use it.

On the project pipeline page, expand the filters section and select the Line of Business filter, then select the desired lines of business from the list. To remove a selected filter value, click the ‘x’ next to that value’s name. To remove the filter entirely, click the ‘x’ in the top right corner of the filter tile.


Project Pipeline - Search by Project Name

What is it?

It is now possible to search for a project by name on the project pipeline page. The search will match any projects that contain the text entered into the search text box.

How to use it.

Click on the search textbox in the top right corner of the page. Type the project name exactly, part of the project name such as a word in the name, or simply a few letters then hit enter. For example, to search for a project named “Acme Global Headquarters”, I could search for “acme” or “global” or “headquarters”, or I could search for “glo” or I could type the full name and all of those searches would return the Acme Global Headquarters project.

The text in the project name that matches your search term will be highlighted as bolded text.

To clear the search, click the ‘x’ on the search term underneath the search input.

Line of Business Specific Document Templates

What is it?

For accounts with multiple lines of business, at times they may wish to use a different document template for different lines of business. To accomplish this, administrators can now limit a template to a specific line of business, or allow the template to be used by all lines of business.

How to use it.

Edit the template under Settings -> Templates and specify either a specific line of business or “All”. When building their proposal estimators will have a choice of any templates that are defined for the line of business specified on the project, as well as any templates defined as “All” lines of business. If a project does not have a line of business, all templates will be available to choose from.



Clause Library - Line of Business Specific Inclusions and Exclusions

What is it?

Companies that have multiple lines of business often need different inclusions and exclusions for the different kinds of work they perform. To support this, RhinoDox allows administrators to define inclusion and exclusion groups that apply only to specific lines of business.

*Note* Only the clause library portion of this was implemented in this release. In the next release, the proposal builder will limit the inclusions and exclusions based on the selected line of business.

How to use it.

Under Settings -> Clause Library, when adding or editing an inclusion / exclusion group, administrators can select a specific line of business to apply that group to, or they may select “All” for that group to be available to all lines of business.

Scope Sort Order

What is it?

Previously, scopes and alternates did not have a defined display / print order. Scopes usually displayed in the reverse order they were created or something similar, but because sorting wasn’t defined that couldn’t be relied on. Now scopes (and alternates) will be sorted by the order they are entered by default, and can be re-ordered by the user.

How to use it.

As an estimator enters scopes they will be sorted in the order they were entered. This also applies to the order they “print” in the proposal document.

Estimators can change the order of their scopes using the up and down arrow buttons next to the title of each scope.

Feature Enhancements

Additional Drawing Issuance

Remove additional drawing issuance

In the last release we added additional drawing issuances on the proposal builder. These are added as a list. In this release we added the ability to remove an additional drawing issuance from the proposal.

Performance Improvements on General Contractor and Architect Pages

The architect and GC list pages experienced degraded performance for accounts with large numbers of general contractors and architects. This performance issue has been addressed.

View Document Icon changed

The “eyeball” icon was replaced with a “document” icon

The proposal revision link to view the document for each general contractor was changed from an eyeball to a page or document icon.

Bug Fixes

  • Help link should open in a new tab
  • Document template settings page, the edit icon was in the wrong location
  • Only company admins could generate documents
    • This was a major issue for customers as they were forced to have all of their users as company administrators. The fix ensures that estimators and administrators both can generate documents.

Scope Sort Order

  1. After adding a new scope, the buttons to change the scope display order do not work. If the user refreshes the page after adding their scopes the buttons will work. This is scheduled to be fixed in the next release.
  2. It’s possible to change the display order of scopes on a completed proposal. This is scheduled to be fixed in the next release.