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Importing GCs into the platform

This article explains how to prepare your list of GCs and contacts to import into RhinoDox

As part of the Onboarding process, it is best practice to upload a comprehensive list of GCs into RhinoDox. If you are going to personalize your proposal with GC contacts, you can upload GC contacts as well.

GC List

In the Onboarding Process, you will receive a .csv template that will be uploaded to the platform.  Read carefully because this is a 'Measure Twice, Cut Once' exercise as you cannot mass delete GCs from RhinoDox.

Template Explanation

  1. GC Name - If you do work in multiple locations or have the same GC from different parts of the country (ex. Turner), you will want to make separate entries. This allows you to display relevant GCs addresses from different locations in your template AND/OR track hit ratio by different locations/groups of the same GC.  Example:
      1. Turner Construction - Nashville
      2. Turner Construction - Seattle
  2. Address 1 - Street Address of the GC location.
  3. Address 2 - Things like Suite #, Floor, etc.
  4. State - If you are copying and pasting from an original data source (like your accounting system) and that output has the state in a two letter format (ex. IL, WI, CA), RhinoDox will only import the full state name as it has to match.
    1. The easiest way to do this is to use Excel and do a Find & Replace on the column containing State. Make sure it is only searching that column. 
    2. The D.C. in Washington DC should be filled in as 'District Of Columbia'.
    3. If you are uncomfortable with the explanation above, RhinoDox Customer Success can assist with this.
  5. Zip Code - Please enter the Zip Code in a five digit format (ex. 60606)

Cleaning Up Your Data

  1. To reiterate, you currently do not have the ability to bulk delete General Contractors. Similarly, once you start using the platform, there is no way to bulk update your GCs.
  2. Because of this, you want ensure accuracy before completing.  'Measure twice, cut once.'
  3. You DO NOT WANT duplicates in the platform.
  4. Here is the link detailing how to find duplicates in Excel https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/find-and-remove-duplicates-00e35bea-b46a-4d5d-b28e-66a552dc138d
  5. For Belts and Suspenders, you also will want to eyeball your GC names and address ESPECIALLY if different individuals have entered in GC names over the years.
  6. In most cases, we find misspelled duplicates or placeholder entries like ‘Unknown’.  Delete these unless they are meaningful.
  7. Leading Spaces - When exporting data, your original system will sometimes export with a leading space. This is when a space exists before the entered text. We recommend using the ‘TRIM’ function in Excel to get rid of any unnecessary spaces.

While you can import the data yourself, please do not.  Customer Success is available to 'eyeball' the work you have done before importing.

GC Contacts

  1. GC Contacts and GC Name must match EXACTLY in order for the GC Contact to import.
  2. Best practice is to enter every contact you can find for ease of creating a project.
  3. Long term, RhinoDox plans to track contacts if they move to a different client.  We also one day would like to measure project performance by GC Project Team.
  4. Phone - Only Enter the numbers of the phone number.  Do not add any formatting such as the following examples:
    1. ❌ INCORRECT: 773-555-1234, ✅ CORRECT: 7735551234
    2. ❌ INCORRECT: 312-555-9876, ✅ CORRECT: 3125559876

What happens with Bad Data or Missing Data

Don't worry, mistakes are made.  Here are our 3 parachutes if bad data gets in the system:

  1. You can add/edit a GC or GC Contact from within the platform.
  2. If you have duplicated a GC, here are some steps to fix:
    1. Rename that GC first to something that you can identify such as 'Turner - Duplicate'.  
    2. Using Report Builder, filter your pipeline by the name above.
    3. Find each project and Delete the duplicate GC from the project and then ADD the correct value.
    4. Rename the original Duplicate GC to something you can identify as available to re-use such as 'GC - Reuse'
    5. Go to the 'General Contractors' tab on the left side and manually delete the unnecessary duplicates. 
    6. The next time you need to add a new GC, simply 'Edit' this GC entry with the correct information

Customer Support Assistance

Incase we haven't said it, 'Measure Twice, Cut Once'.  This is an important process in the RhinoDox system and we are working to make it easier in the future should something arise.  While we try and make the process as simple and intuitive as possible, this is one step that is best completed with assistance from Customer Success.


When you are ready, Feel free to reach out to Customer Success to assist with this process.  You can click the chat button to the right or send an email to support@rhinodox.com.